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Heart waiting list dynamics in All ET, transplants and active WL - Chart 7090P_All ET_heart PDF file XLSX file Public
Heart waiting list removals, by year, by country, by reason 4501P_heart PDF file XLSX file Public
Kidney waiting list dynamics in All ET, transplants and active WL - Chart 7090P_All ET_kidney PDF file XLSX file Public
Kidney waiting list removals, by year, by country, by reason 4501P_kidney PDF file XLSX file Public
Liver waiting list dynamics in All ET, transplants and active WL - Chart 7090P_All ET_liver PDF file XLSX file Public
Liver waiting list removals, by year, by country, by reason 4501P_liver PDF file XLSX file Public
Lung waiting list dynamics in All ET, transplants and active WL - Chart 7090P_All ET_lung PDF file XLSX file Public
Lung waiting list removals, by year, by country, by reason 4501P_lung PDF file XLSX file Public
Pancreas waiting list dynamics in All ET, transplants and active WL - Chart 7090P_All ET_pancreas PDF file XLSX file Public
Pancreas waiting list removals, by year, by country, by reason 4501P_pancreas PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list mortality in 2014, by country, by organ 4513P_2014 PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list mortality in 2015, by country, by organ 4513P_2015 PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list mortality in 2016, by country, by organ 4513P_2016 PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list mortality in 2017, by country, by organ 4513P_2017 PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list mortality in 2018, by country, by organ 4513P_2018 PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list mortality in 2019, by country, by organ 4513P_2019 PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list mortality in 2020, by country, by organ 4513P_2020 PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list mortality in 2021, by country, by organ 4513P_2021 PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list mortality in 2022, by country, by organ 4513P_2022 PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list mortality in 2023, by country, by organ 4513P_2023 PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list mortality in All ET, by year, by organ 4512P_All ET PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list mortality in Austria, by year, by organ 4512P_Austria PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list mortality in Belgium, by year, by organ 4512P_Belgium PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list mortality in Croatia, by year, by organ 4512P_Croatia PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list mortality in Germany, by year, by organ 4512P_Germany PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list mortality in Hungary, by year, by organ 4512P_Hungary PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list mortality in Netherlands, by year, by organ 4512P_Netherlands PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list mortality in Slovenia, by year, by organ 4512P_Slovenia PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list removals in 2014, by country, by organ, by reason 4503P_2014 PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list removals in 2015, by country, by organ, by reason 4503P_2015 PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list removals in 2016, by country, by organ, by reason 4503P_2016 PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list removals in 2017, by country, by organ, by reason 4503P_2017 PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list removals in 2018, by country, by organ, by reason 4503P_2018 PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list removals in 2019, by country, by organ, by reason 4503P_2019 PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list removals in 2020, by country, by organ, by reason 4503P_2020 PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list removals in 2021, by country, by organ, by reason 4503P_2021 PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list removals in 2022, by country, by organ, by reason 4503P_2022 PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list removals in 2023, by country, by organ, by reason 4503P_2023 PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list removals in 2024, by country, by organ, by reason 4508P_2024 PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list removals in All ET, by year, by organ, by reason 4502P_All ET PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list removals in Austria, by year, by organ, by reason 4502P_Austria PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list removals in Belgium, by year, by organ, by reason 4502P_Belgium PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list removals in Croatia, by year, by organ, by reason 4502P_Croatia PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list removals in Germany, by year, by organ, by reason 4502P_Germany PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list removals in Hungary, by year, by organ, by reason 4502P_Hungary PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list removals in Netherlands, by year, by organ, by reason 4502P_Netherlands PDF file XLSX file Public
Waiting list removals in Slovenia, by year, by organ, by reason 4502P_Slovenia PDF file XLSX file Public
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The information presented in this library is derived primarily from ENIS, the Eurotransplant registration and allocation system. Data is entered into the system not only by Eurotransplant, but also by donor, transplant and tissue typing centers across the Eurotransplant region. In some instances information is also derived from other registries. Eurotransplant therefore assumes neither responsibility nor liability for the accuracy and completeness of the information presented.

The data in ENIS is subject to continual addition, change and correction, even for past years. Reports are periodically refreshed in order to reflect data changes, but there can be delay before this occurs. Reports on data from previous years are refreshed several times a year, reports on data from previous months are refreshed each month. For these reasons there can be differences between previously published reports (e.g Annual Report), and the information presented here.
The reports in this library reflect the situation at the time they are created, and can therefore only be regarded as valid for the date specified in the report.

The reports in this library are generated and refreshed by an automated process, and whilst the utmost care is taken, Eurotransplant cannot guarantee the accuracy. If any discrepancies are found, please do help and inform Eurotransplant through the contact form.

Some reports are only available to Members of the Eurotransplant community, or to users belonging to specific centers and organizations. Distribution or publication of these reports without the consent of Eurotransplant and in the case specific centers are identified, the respective centers, is forbidden.

Interpretation of the data is the responsibility of the user. The subject matter is complex, and misinterpretation is quite possible if unfamiliar with the subject. If in any doubt, then please contact Eurotransplant for confirmation.

Data is provided for the use of professionals, if data is to be analyzed, presented, or reprinted, please contact Eurotransplant for permission. In all cases Eurotransplant should be cited as source.

Press/Media: before using of any of the information presented here, please contact ET press relations for confirmation


The ET statistics library

This library is a collection of pre-generated reports (tables and graphs) showing summary data as recorded in the organ allocation system of Eurotransplant. The reports cover the dynamics of the waiting lists (registrations, periodic numbers, removals), the donation, allocation and transplant of organs, and also some information on transplant outcome. Reports can be viewed in the application or downloaded as pdf or xlsx.
Some more detailed reports are only accessible and visible to Members (of a particular center), when logged in.
Reports are automatically and periodically updated, weekly, monthly or yearly as appropriate. Yearly reports are refreshed several times a year to reflect modifications or additions to the data (data is often corrected for past years).
Reports are available in two main types:

  • data for a region (All ET/a country/a center), by year (comparison of each of the last 10 years)
  • (also sometimes in a version by month, for the last year)
  • data for a year (each of the last 10 years), by country (comparison of each country within ET, with total)
  • (also sometimes in a version for the current calender year, cumulative)

Different versions of the report are created automatically, for each center, country, year or organ, as appropriate.
Eurotransplant is only responsible for deceased donor organ allocation, but living donor transplants within the ET countries are also registered in the system and reported here.
Eurotransplant Registry collects data on recipient and graft survival after transplant, from several sources. Some of this data is also included in the library.

Searching the library

Each report is assigned one or more categories in five groups: Type, Organ, Region, Period, Characteristic. Selecting a category in the application limits the list of reports to those assigned to that category.
These five search filters are additive, the resulting list of reports reduces in length, as more categories are selected.
A report is assigned a category to indicate that it contains data relevant to, but not exclusive to, that category. For instance 'Germany' restricts the list of reports to show not only Germany-only reports, but also all reports that contain totals for Germany, along with totals for other countries.
There is also a 'Free text search/Additional text filter' possibility, this is an additional filter on the current list of reports, working on report name and description. This enables you to search with values like '%' (=all reports), or 'donor%germany' (=donor followed by germany in the report description), or '1042P' (=all versions of this one report).

Linking to the library

The url can be copied from the browser and used to pre-seed the search parameters, for instance:
By selecting 'Open report in new window' the url can be copied to display a specific report, for instance:
or to download a specific (pdf in this example) report: